enthusiastically supported by a scientific clique, on their original
publication Darwin’s theories of evolution were largely dismissed and
catchy and pivotal slogan, ‘survival of the fittest’, was recognised as empty
tautology. That which survives in a milieu ‘red in tooth and claw’ is clearly
that which was best fitted so to do.
it gets more complicated is in discovering or defining what makes those things
which survive do so, and whether they are in fact operating in a mindless
dog-eat-dog environment.
only current popular science but the entire political and economic system of
the Western World is predicated on the rather simple-minded proposition that
all things come down to this half-baked formula.
Darwin himself regarded cooperation between life forms as infinitely more
successful than doing in all your competitors. That way, as is more than clear
when we look at post-1980s Europe and the US, lies oblivion.
theories are now so embedded in the scientific mind (or brain) that no other
thought can be countenanced, and no other model is to be taught in schools,
lest the young folk should be corrupted by independent thought.
Darwinism isn’t science at all, just one of a number of articles of faith
which, being part of the fundamental scriptures laid down by the ancient
prophets, are beyond question or observation.
priesthood tells us this evolved and that evolved without the slightest
evidence. Messrs Attenborough and Cox don’t even wonder about it before passing
it on as holy writ.
the very fact of this belief has unleashed many of the most contra-survival
idiocies upon the world: eugenics, fascism, racism, monetarism, scapegoating,
intolerance, politico-economic short-termism and megalomania, statism and
suppression – all depend on the shaky grasp of a dogma not properly inspected
or comprehended – the Darwinian model is still held up, not only as some kind
of universal revelation, but as an ‘explanation’ both of the ‘natural’
selection of life forms and life itself!
fact it fails in both endeavours, most spectacularly in the latter, in which it
is not merely unsuited to purpose, acting instead, in the way of all dogma, as
a more or less impenetrable barrier to perception and real understanding.
all seen the familiar graphic of a monkey getting up on his hind legs and
metamorphosing, through dubious pictorial sleight of hand, into a man, yet few
of us seem to have noticed that the monkey was far better fitted to survive the
challenges of this planet at that time than the bloke into which he has
From BLINDED WITH SCIENCE available from The Book Depository
From BLINDED WITH SCIENCE available from The Book Depository
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