If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter
The old joke actually expresses a blindingly obvious
truism that is missed by many toilers after enlightenment through science;
especially those whose capacity for thinking themselves ever deeper has led
them to conclude there is no such thing as consciousness.
Baldly stated, without
consciousness there would be no science. If you rule out the awareness and the
faculties for thinking and evaluation, you rule out the very basis and
possibility of the ideas and experimentation that have brought us to wherever
it is we stand today in relation to the scientifically modelled world around
Every atom, every rock, every stream, every star and every
universe between here and not here is meaningless, unorganised, insignificant and
indicative of entirely nothing until someone with the capability and impetus to
observe and evaluate it applies such meaning or significance to it.
Consciousness alone sets out to impose order on randomness
and chaos. Only consciousness cares. Such order exists not at all until it is
so imposed. Conscious units can argue themselves blue in the physiological face
about whose imposed order is the order of the day, but all order is the
application of theory, viewpoint or understanding to that which is inherently
chaotic and without advertised purpose.
Missing this point, it is possible for scientific
theorisers to decide which bits of the chaos they accept, or feel themselves
able to explain, and in so doing create
a skewed reality for those who will blindly believe anything as long as it is
spoken with, or backed up by, accepted ‘authority’.
Only thus is it possible for the ruling consciousnesses to
convince them that they are not conscious, despite the fact that, by whatever
mechanical means information and experience reaches them, it still, ultimately,
has to impinge upon their consciousness to make any difference.
Someone might tell you what you think you perceive is an
illusion borne of ‘brain activity’. Illusory or not, it is you, as a conscious individual
who is experiencing it.
The lie that consciousness does not exist may seem as
idiotic as the old joke, but it is no laughing matter in a world where dogmatic
science rules – especially where it rules in the service of those with no
fellow feeling. The stimulus response principle serves those who would rule and
poison us very well, but edits out a crucial factor.
The stimulus is not the cause, but the response.
People are not a generality. They are individual
consciousnesses, capable of their own unique emotional and intellectual
One man’s girlfriend leaves him. He hurts, but he
understands. There are more fish in the sea.
A second man’s girlfriend leaves him. Life is not worth
living. He turns to drink or drugs and lets it ruin the rest of his existence.
A third will not allow the girl to leave and uses threats
of violence to get her back or to try and prevent the possibility that she will
form another relationship elsewhere.
Identical stimulus, multiple responses. There are many
millions of other variations – as many as there are bereft boyfriends.
We are able at this time to see how a relatively new
‘science’ sets out to impose order without understanding of this simple truism.
Psychology is an enormous edifice built on fictional entities – the id,
the ego, the censor and so forth. None of these is identifiable
or definable by any scientific method – they are not even neologisms for new
discoveries. They are part of a mythical pantheon upon which the subject draws
for spurious credibility.
Actually it has none. It is not a science but a
meaningless and mostly useless construct. But it is far from alone in being a
created subject in which an interest group can claim esoteric knowledge. Such
fraudulence has gone on since time immemorial, and persists as much in the
realms of so-called ‘science’ as ‘religion’ or the ‘paranormal’.
It has been a conscious effort of material science to
divide human perception into these arbitrary categories – to define which
belief is right belief and where the boundary of ‘normal’ is to be drawn.
Neither of these is a path to truth or understanding and only the denial of
consciousness can make it seem so.
Blinded With Science can be purchased from
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