Sentient beings observe and conclude on their own behalf.
As individuals, with separate viewpoints, they will observe differently and
draw varying conclusions. No conclusion is absolutely ‘correct’ and none is
absolutely ‘wrong’.
No conclusion by one individual is automatically
appropriate to any other.
Someone with alternative conclusions is only wrong, mad or
‘disordered’ in a tyranny in which slave masters and slaves predominate.
There is no danger from other conclusions or beliefs to
someone who thinks, observes and concludes for themselves. But those who have
permitted themselves to become enslaved by enforced or dominant thoughts and
viewpoints fear that others will come in on them and take over their minds just
as the present orthodoxy or slave hierarchy has done already.
Government authorities – themselves just a rung or two up
on the same slave ladder – do not support education programmes to produce
free-thinkers or polymaths, but to enforce conformity.
A student is not expected to have ideas. He or she is
required to become properly enslaved by the prevailing orthodoxy, and will be
furnished with a licence to rise higher in the tyranny by so doing.
Little matter that no battle was ever wholly won or lost,
that mathematics does not become senior to reality by being disconnected from
it, that no chemical ‘element’ exists as and of itself in the real world, that
psychology, sociology, economics and philosophy are arbitrary constructs that
often suppress rather than encourage thought and philosophising, or that, if
there was as much truth in Darwinian evolution, medical science, or either, or
both, people would not still be born with tonsils or appendixes.
There is no difference in being enslaved by one orthodoxy
– one belief system – or another.
Would the old religions have killed and maimed and
poisoned and drugged as many people and living creatures as their modern
godless equivalent if they had access to the technology of ‘science’?
Quite possibly. Those who have an anti-West dominant are
using its armoury to do what they can.
But one tyranny will never be better than another;
enforced acceptance of Darwinism or ‘brain-science’ is not more enlightened
than second-hand adoption of the Angel Gabriel, God the Builder or Thoth.
The higher-up slaves think they will become masters if all
below them are unthinking and insentient.
But although they have succeeded to
an impressive extent in implanting denial of life and consciousness by
relentless enforcement through the media and ‘education’, they have only become
more enslaved themselves – the leaders of nothing but the negation of anything
worth leading.
Genuine leaders will come, when they come, not from those
cowed by authoritarian orthodoxies, but those who are not frightened of their
own shadows or those of their fellows; those who would wish for individuals to
become fully sentient and fully diverse – those who are unafraid to hold their
own viewpoints, to inform their own actions and to make their own decisions for
the common good.
Then, and only then, regardless of, and high above, petty
wars about which tyranny is the better or worse, those of us labelled ‘human’
will be able to make something of ourselves and create an environment in which
each of us as individuals, various, fully formed in our own image and confident
in cooperation, can finally fulfil our own dreams and capabilities, without
interference, interruption and inconvenience from those cocooned about with
dogma that stifles their perception and enslaves both them and their fellows.
From BLINDED WITH SCIENCE available from The Book Depository
From BLINDED WITH SCIENCE available from The Book Depository
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